Switching Grips During a Point...
There are two keys to being able to effectively switch grips during a
point. You must first find a
specific neutral grip which for me is a continental grip. Lots
of players also like to hold an eastern forehand grip and some like to
hold an eastern backhand grip as their neutral grip.
Whichever feels most comfortable for you
is fine as long as... Both
hands are relaxed. Any tension
in your hands (clenching the racket handle) commits you to whatever
grip you're currently holding.
That may be a problem if the incoming shot requires a specific grip
that you can't get to because you're too tight with your hands on the
handle between shots. So,
practice rallying and being aware of keeping both hands relaxed
between shots, especially when your opponent plays their shot.
This is definitely something that needs
focused practice.
I've got a video below for you.
Also, I want to hear your opinion.
What are your two biggest
challenges when you play singles?
Is it a specific shot, a type of
opponent's strategy or shot, something mental, etc.
You can either go to the feedback page
first by clicking here or watch the video below first and you'll be
automatically redirected to the feedback page at the end of the video.
Be really specific with your feedback.
Thanks in advance for your time...