WebTennis.net Newsletter
December 15, 2003
Hi, and probably just like you this time of year, I'm on the run from here
to there, back again, and then doing it all over...! Yikes...
These kids, man, I'm driving 'em absolutely everywhere for sports, social,
buddies, you name it. It's a non-stop gas guzzling effort...!
Anyway, I do hope you're well
and enjoying the Holiday season. My goal over the next few weeks is to
NOT get too woefully out of shape! (I guess a little is OK,
I've got a quick tip for you
today on precisely how to hold the ball in your tossing hand when you serve.
Sounds basic, but the reality is this, this seemingly tiny part of your
serve can make or break the quality of your entire motion.
And then I've got an
announcement about a NEW
instructional product on the serve that I've put together. The
package includes the online lesson, 3 CDs, a DVD, and unlimited email and
phone support...! More on that in just a bit.
Tip... Why it's
crucial with your serve to hold and toss the ball a specific way...
When I first went to get help
from Tom Stow in 1979, he just chuckled when he first saw my service motion.
It didn't take him long to see that the way I was holding the ball was
causing major problems with my entire serve.
When I see new students for
the first time and when I review with current students, the first thing I
look at is how that student holds the ball in their tossing hand. I've
had years of training to look for this, and I can darn near tell exactly
what parts of someone's serve will be affected by the way they hold the
ball. It's amazing...
Here's what Tom showed me, and
at first, it looked, felt, and was just plain awkward. But once I
intellectually understood the purpose of why we should hold the ball a
specific way, learning it became a whole lot easier.
1. Ball is held between thumb & index finger.
Racket is placed between index and third fingers. |
2. Tossing arm straightens on it's initial
downward path without facing the palm upwards. |
3. Ball moves up with a straight arm hinged
only at your shoulder. |
4. Ball releases naturally (only if you don't
have the "death grip") as arm extends to final set-up position |
Yeah I know, it looks
different, but it solves a ton of problems.
And really, come on, think
about it, a good tossing motion helps you in two specific areas...
#1, you end up placing the ball more consistently where you want it to be,
and #2, a good tossing motion places your body in the ideal hitting position
prior to contact.
You can toss the ball to the
perfect spot all day long with a flawed tossing motion, but you'll never get
yourself in a biomechanically leveraged position to maximize a natural
serving motion.
When I went to see Tom, I used
to hold the ball in the palm of my hand with my palm facing up towards the
sky. Unfortunately by tossing that way, I always either bent my elbow
prior to releasing the ball or flicked the ball up with my wrist & finger
tips and never got into that solid leveraged hitting position.
The only joint moving the ball
up should be your shoulder. All other joints (elbow, wrist, and
fingers) should be static and only moving upwards because the entire arm is
moving from the shoulder joint as a unit...
This is not tough to practice
and you can work on this at home (inside without a ball or outside with a
ball). I like to hold two small hand weights, one in each hand, say no
more than a pound or two, and go through the entire service motion.
Get in front of a mirror and
watch as you go through the tossing motion without opening your palm up
towards the sky.
When you practice with a ball,
make sure you don't have the death grip #1, and then just allow the ball to
naturally release from your tossing hand as you extend that tossing arm up
to it's final set-up position.
Remember, when you release of
the ball during the toss is NOT the end of your tossing motion.
Develop a clean uninterrupted rhythm as your arm moves up from your front
thigh to the end of the tossing motion. I feel like the ball comes out
of my hand at the exact speed that my arm is moving upwards.
OK, good luck out there.
This is an important aspect of developing and improving your serve.
Don't mess with this one...!
Product Announcement...!
The mother of all serve lessons!
I've gone and done it.
Yep, unloaded my brain on everything you could possibly need to improve all
or specific parts of your serve in a 3 CD plus DVD package.
I know you may have seen my
online lesson on the serve, but I've now added a NEW serve lesson in a
series of videos and "reminder" audio clips.
Learn how you
can easily...
Get a tighter spin on your
Consistently control the
placement of your serve without telegraphing where you're intending to hit
Crank up some more power
Move through your service
motion to maximize your ability to serve / volley in singles or get into
net to join your partner at net
Reduce the risk of injury to
your elbow and shoulder
Not worry if you're going to
serve well the day of a match
Just plain have more fun...!
I've put together my own
product, Brent's "How to Improve
Your Serve" - What are the true fundamentals of the service motion?"
Instructional Package, which includes 3 CDs, a DVD, and unlimited email
and phone support.
One CD includes a NEW series
of video lessons covering the serve fundamentals, practice drill tips, and
serving strategies for both singles and doubles. This will play
directly from your computer's CD drive.
This same CD also has a series
of audio clips that will play in your car. You get to listen to a set
of reminders on the fundamentals and match play serving strategies for both
singles and doubles.
The other two CDs hold the
recorded audio from a special Webinar I recently conducted where we worked
specifically on the serve for over an hour. You get the complete audio
and PDF presentation file from that Webinar.
Plus you get a DVD that has
all of the video lessons. And unlimited email and telephone support.
Come on, I want you to crank your serve up to a new level...!
In fact, I'll make it risk
free for you. If you're not satisfied with your improvement at any
time, let me know and I'll refund 100% of your $39...
Yep, just $39 gets you this
entire serve 3 CD / 1 DVD package. Try it out risk free.
Click here to order your package now
Have you got anyone on your
Holiday shopping list who's serve could use a little help?...! What a
gift. Let me know and I'll be glad to ship directly to him or her and
include whatever Holiday note you'd like...
Click here to order your package now
NEW Doubles Instructional Product
- Online and CD...!
"Your Top Ten Biggest
Challenges in Doubles" by Brent Abel and Pat Blaskower
After reading the latest issue
of Tennis magazine, maybe it should be the top eleven challenges
which would include one about having to deal with all of the mis-information
you have to put up with out there...! (OK, I'm calming down, hang in
there with me...!)
Doubles coaching guru Pat
Blaskower and I have partnered up to give you the answers to ten of your
most often asked questions about how to deal with specific situations in
has authored what I believe is the best hard cover book on doubles, "The
Art of Doubles". Pat's book is truly my one and only resource for
coaching doubles. Here's where to pick up a copy of Pat's book, "The
Art of Doubles". Amazon has it
for just $11.99. It's the deal of the century...
Just click on the book photo to the left...
Pat and I took your ten most asked
questions and discussed exactly how to solve those problems.
This instructional product
is a one hour discussion segmented into 11 parts (intro and the answers to
the ten questions).
Where exactly do I
serve and what's likely to happen with the return of serve?
How you set up your partner with the correct placement of your
serve as opposed to power.
How do I get rid of
this irrational fear of messing up if I poach?
How you can overcome the fear of missing put-away opportunities
and why losing points when you poach can turn into your team's advantage
for future points.
Where do I return serve
and why?
What are your targets for the return of serve and why
establishing those potential placements early in the match will open up
big opportunities for you later in the match.
As the receiver's
partner, what's my role and exact court positioning?
What exactly is your role here and how you can control the point
from this position on the court.
I'm freaked out about
the "transition" from baseline to the net.
How can I improve on that?
How you can overcome the worry of playing shots within "no man's
land" as you move forward to join your partner up at net.
How do I deal with lob
queens and kings?
How to hit shots that force your opponents into not lobbing or
trying very difficult lobs.
When and where should I
How you can turn a simple lob into a major weapon, not as a lob
queen or king, but an immediate offensive opportunity for you and your
How do I deal with
those crazy "net rushers"?
How you can neutralize those players that are barreling up to
net. What are the right shots you should play to put them in a
defensive position.
Where do I hit my
How you can have a simple formula that will decide exactly where
every shot should be played. How you can better understand the
geometry of the court for your shot placements.
How do my partner and I
"get on the same page"?
How to positively involve your partner with your shot placements
and why this is the answer to a long and successful life as a doubles
Here's what you get...
- Immediate access to the
one hour online presentation of this lesson. You can listen to each of the
ten answers directly from the webpage.
- Each answer is a
discussion between me and Pat which gives you our combined teaching and
playing wisdom of nearly 100 years (yikes...!).
- Each answer is a MP3 file
that you can also download to your computer where you can listen
"off-line" and/or burn your own CD.
- The lesson CD will be immediately shipped to you.
- PLUS, unlimited email and telephone
support from Brent! Yep, I'm available to help you. Just let
me know.
- And with all of my instructional
products, you get my 100% fully refundable lifetime player satisfaction
Buy Now
$39 immediate online access and CD
Feedback and Contact...
As you know, I'm always
interested in your opinion of my newsletters, products, and your overall
tennis learning experience with me. Please feel free to drop me a line
if you have any suggestions, criticism, ideas for topics, whatever...
I want to hear from you...! Thanks.
brent@webtennis.net |