Plantar Fasciitis
How to Treat and Prevent

Here's how you can quickly treat your plantar fasciitis injury without injections, steroid creams, and other meds. 

Tip #1


I want you to take a just a moment and read this email I received from one of my customers, Kim in West VA.

This is what it's all about for me.  Helping others beat this incredibly painful injury...


"Hi Brent,

I recently ordered your videos by download. I am a very satisfied customer! Let me tell you my story, and you may feel free to use it if you would like.

I have had 2 bouts of plantar fasciitis before, and each time they lasted 2-3 years -- not months, but YEARS.

Yes, that's YEARS out of my life that were filled with pain, and it caused me to be unable to exercise, which meant I put on excess weight because I could barely walk at all without extreme pain.

Last year, after already suffering for about 2 years, I was once again searching the internet for any treatments I hadn't seen before.

I was willing to try almost anything, short of surgery! I know of a local lady who has been wearing a foot/ankle splint for several years now, and I understand that it was because she had a botched surgery for the same thing I suffered with, and so many others like us.

On the evening I found your website, I had almost given up hope of finding something that would put an end to my suffering.

I had recently been to New York City, and I'd had to do a lot of walking. As much as I wanted to be able to enjoy myself at the theater and elsewhere, I was in misery the entire time.

When our charter bus stopped to let everyone out for shopping in Chinatown, I actually stayed on the bus because I couldn't stand to walk any more.

I am not an old person, so this was humiliating and upsetting, to say the least.

Well, during my first visit to your website, I watched all the video clips, and immediately started doing every exercise that seemed promising.

Within days, I could tell a big difference! And within a few weeks, the pain was nearly gone!

Just before my website visit, the pain was as bad as it had ever been, so there is no reason on earth why I would attribute the improvement to anything but the exercises on your video clips.

I have continued to do the exercises, and I have not had any more heel pain other than occasional twinges that go away if I do the stretching exercises for a few minutes.

Thank you so much for the near miraculous recovery that you were responsible for.

It has changed my life in a very positive way, and I hope that when warmer weather comes, I will be able to resume playing tennis -- something I have been unable to do for years!


Kim, in West Virginia


I would love to receive a similar email from you.  My product return rate is less than 2%, which means there's a huge chance my program can help you with your plantar fascia injury...

"Plantar Fasciitis:  The Insider Secrets to Fast Healing, Strengthening, and Future Injury Prevention" is comprised of 8 videos that will take you step by step through each one of the 3 different phases.

This product comes in three versions.  Each version contains the exact same instructional plantar fasciitis treatment videos.

  • Version #1:  Immediate Download only (You get immediate download access to the instructional treatment videos) OR

  • Version #2:  Computer CD (The CD plays in your computer's CD drive and you get immediate download access to the videos) OR

  • Version #3:  DVD  (The DVD plays in your DVD player and you get immediate download access to the videos)

You get immediate access to the download page.  That's right, you can have this information in the next minute sitting on your computer's desktop.

If you want, you can easily and quickly download the instructional treatment videos (even if your tech skills are minimal...!), and you're all set. 

I've provided easy download instructions at the download page.  This is simple...

And of course, if your tech skills are limited and/or you want a hard copy, you may order either the Computer CD or DVD version.

BONUSES:  My Plantar Fasciitis Treatment product also includes the following valuable FREE bonuses:

  • BONUS #1:  The Psychological Skills Needed for Healing Your Injury: 
    I have produced a separate audio clip with an accompanying outline on the proven benefits of following a specific set of daily visualization and positive self-talk exercises.

    These are tangible specific mental exercises (not some out of body weird "new age" mumbo jumbo) that are proven to increase your injury healing time and to help you stay on track and motivated.

  • BONUS #2:  Injury Treatment Daily Goal Setting and Tracking Log
    Not only must you commit to a daily set of physical and mental exercises / stretches for properly treating your injury, but you also must track your commitment.

    As a BONUS, you also receive my "Injury Treatment Daily Log" where you get a detailed daily plan for each of the 3 healing / strengthening / future prevention phases where you can keep track of your progress.

    Not only is it important to know precisely what exercises / stretches you've been able to perform each day, but your daily log will also serve as a great motivational aid to "keep you going".

  • BONUS #3:  8 Weeks of Follow-Up
    I will follow up with you on a regular basis for at least 8 weeks after your purchase.  I want to make absolutely sure you completely understand each and every exercise and technique in each of the three phases in your treatment program.

    I also want to help you stay motivated with your day to day injury treatment.  There are probably going to be days when you feel great, and staying eager to do your treatment is no problem.

    But there is also a chance that you will face an occasional day when you're just not "into it".  I want to help you get through those days and have you wake up the next morning feeling good that you put in your treatment time the day before. 

    I have zero desire to sell you something and then have you never hear from me again.  I sincerely want to help you treat your plantar fascia injury correctly, quickly, and thoroughly.

  • BONUS #4:  Foods, Liquids, and Tension
    I've written a short report on why certain foods and liquids can make it more difficult for your body to heal. 

    Providing a "clean" healing environment for your injury can be enhanced by avoiding specific foods / drinks.

GUARANTEE:  You're at zero risk with your purchase.  I want you to get your plantar fasciitis injury treated to your complete satisfaction.  Period.

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, just give me the word, and I'll immediately refund 100% of your purchase price.  And as they say, no questions asked...

SHIPPING:  There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world.  CD or DVD versions will be shipped to you within 1 business day from the date of your order.

Let's get you started right now.  Just choose the version you want.

The exact same instructional plantar fasciitis treatment videos by Brent Abel are included in each version listed below.

  • $37 - Immediate Download - No Computer CD or DVD
    Requires high speed internet connection for the download. 
    DSL, Cable, or faster...

  • $47 - Computer CD and Immediate Download Access

    • Your Computer CD is placed in the US Postal mail to you within 1 business day.

    • There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world.

    • Order this version if you do not have a high speed internet connection AND you do not have a DVD player OR

    • Order this version if you have a high speed internet connection for immediate download access and you also want a hard copy Computer CD shipped to you at no additional charge..

  • $47 - DVD and Immediate Download Access

    • Your DVD is placed in the US Postal mail to you within 1 business day.

    • There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world.

    • Order this version if you do not have a high speed internet connection AND you have a DVD player OR

    • Order this version if you have a high speed internet connection for immediate download access and you also want a hard copy DVD shipped to you at no additional charge.

Be sure to let me know if you have any questions at

Hi Brent,

I purchased and began your Plantar Fasciitis treatment program Friday, November 10th.

I know it has only been a few days, but I had to email you and THANK YOU for putting this program
together and making it so available and affordable.

This is literally the best $47.00 I have ever invested in myself.

I have been dealing with this pain for a year. After several doctor's visits I was sent to a podiatrist who recommended surgery. I wasn't ready to go that route, so I began doing my own research and that's when I found your website.

Words aren't capable of expressing how wonderfully liberating it is to be able to walk without that acute pain!

I'm so thankful I did the research and found you!

I know that following this program is a lifetime commitment, but the results are amazing even after 3 days! I actually felt major improvement the first day.

Thank you again!

Karen D., Greenville, Kentucky

Hi Brent,
Wow!  I cannot believe how quickly your methods worked Brent.

Thank you so much.  I'm now back to playing tennis full time.


Dear Brent,
I've been really frustrated with this injury for months.  I think I was almost depressed.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Brent.  Your videos made all the difference for me.

You gave me a plan and it worked!


Hello Mr. Abel,

My plantar fascia problem is now fixed thanks to your product.

Your icing technique gave me the most relief.

Thank you Mr. Abel. 


Hi Brent,

This foot injury has absolutely been cured by using your methods Brent.

I'm serious, I had tried everything from cortisone to physical therapy with zero improvement.

I am now back to my running schedule.  (I know, I know, I'll stick to your daily foot and calf stretching routine!)

Thanks again Brent.
