Contact Email:   Support Phone: 1-925-246-5551   Skype: webtennis

Finally Puts A Permanent End To Your Overwhelming Plantar Fasciitis Heel Pain & Distressing Frustration...

And Does So Without...
- Outrageously Over Priced Orthotics That Actually  Cause More Pain,
- Dreaded Painful Cortisone Shots,
- Stomach Burning Anti-Inflammatories,
- & Ridiculously Expensive Doctor & Physio Visits That Produce Little to No Pain Relief...

So That You Can Get Back To Doing...
- Your Favorite Sport,
- Hobby,
- Job,
- Walking Your Dog,
- Playing With Your Kids,
- Shopping,
- Sight Seeing,
- Or Just Plain Living Day to Day Without Any More Heel Pain & Mind Numbing Frustration...

Within 5 Days...   That's right, a huge majority of customers report significant pain relief within 5 days, some as soon as 24 hours.

                     Moraga, California USA

Hi, it's Brent Abel here in northern California, and as tennis teaching professional and top national level senior tournament player for well over the past 35+ years, I know all to well how much pain and suffering you're probably going through right now as you read this letter.

I've gone through 2 separate very painful plantar fasciitis injuries myself, but I can say that I have not had another one in over 15 years.

And when I went through those 2 plantar injuries, as a teaching & coaching professional, my source of income was in serious jeopardy. 

Plus, as a competitive tennis tournament player, my ability to enjoy competing was gone.

But worse, I'm convinced I was depressed...

But first, here's a quick 2 minute
video primer on your plantar fasciitis injury

Click the Play button above
to hear a short message from Brent

I'm not going to try to impress you with all of the Latin terms for the different body parts that are involved in plantar fasciitis.  Let's make this simple...

You've got a fascia (a fibrous tissue) that connects your heel bone to the bones closer to your toes.  It's like a rubber band.  It stretches when you put weight on your foot.

The injury generally occurs at the connection of the fascia to the heel bone. 

You can stress out the fascia connection in generally one of 4 ways.

  • Overweight.  The most common cause of plantar fasciitis is carrying too much weight.

  • Repetitive stress.  Over time you repeat the same jarring technique, or too much tension, whatever, but slight imperfections in your method (tennis, jumping, running, etc.) will eventually cause the fascia connection to get stressed, and yep, the fascia gets inflamed.  Ouch...

  • Traumatic event.  You do something such as jump from too high a height, land hard in a sport, cut too quickly in running, or something where that fascia connection just can't handle the strain.  The fascia goes nuts and again, ouch...

  • Poor strength.  You take time off from your activity and do nothing to strengthen the muscles in your legs while you're inactive, you go back out there, and sure enough, you're foot isn't prepared for the activity, and here we go again, ouch...

My First Plantar Fasciitis Injury

I clearly remember the very first time I got a plantar injury.

I was running through the house barefoot one evening having a great time playing with my kids when they were still just little guys, and all of a sudden I felt a pain in my heel like nothing I'd ever felt before.
Hi Brent.

I thought it would be good to update you re: my PF injury.

I had it diagnosed by phone on the 20th Nov. by my (very highly thought of) chiropodist.

Rather than immediately get an insole I did my research, & that's how I found you and ordered your treatment program.

I had downloaded by lunchtime on 24 Nov (it's very simple), and started the regime that evening, following it exactly, & guess what?- no more problems.

Foot normal 29 Nov, morning. Any advice I was getting was saying 3-4 weeks minimum.  I'm sure I would not even be in possession of an insole yet!! (Cost to be £150!)

Needless to say I am delighted, and you may feel free to use any of this
email on your website, or any other way you wish.

Best few dollars I've ever spent! (Apart from my marriage license of

Just a thought, I spoke with a client yesterday, a family doctor, & told him
broadly re: your regime. (Worry not, I wouldn't divulge details!), and he was really impressed, but he did say that he thought that, in all probability my 5-7 rounds of golf a week probably contributed to the original injury.

Thanks most sincerely.  Regards,

Ronnie Birnie, UK

It wasn't a super sharp pain, but it was clear that something wasn't right.

So I suggested to the kids that we take a little break from our little game of Dad chasing them around giggling and laughing.

And unfortunately, the girls and I didn't get another chance to run around the house with Dad chasing them for another 6 months.

And since I was relatively young at that time and couldn't afford to take time off from earning an income (who can?), I just kept going out there on the tennis teaching court and grinded though lesson after lesson in utter misery.

At the time there was no internet and no way to get accurate information that I could get my hands on so I could try to self-treat this never ending pain in my heel.

Get That Big Needle Out Of Here

I saw a doctor who proceeded to jab the biggest needle I'd ever seen into my heel with cortisone.  I'm not ashamed to say that there was definitely something wet coming out of my eyes!

Man that hurt...

But the doc had told me that cortisone was the answer, and since I trusted this guy, I said OK, stick that monster looking needle into my heel.

If you've already had one of these lovely experiences, you know exactly what I mean.

How Can These Things In My Shoe Make It Hurt Worse?

The cortisone shot didn't work, so I went to a sports physio gal who said I needed custom orthotics.

Orthot what...? 

I'd never heard of those things before, but her rationale for me needing them seemed pretty darn logical, so once again I said, OK, let's do it...
Hi Brent,

My PF injury has absolutely been cured by using your methods Brent.

I'm serious, I had tried everything from cortisone to physical therapy with zero improvement.

I am now back to my running schedule.  (I know, I know, I'll stick to your daily foot and calf stretching routine!)

Thanks again Brent.


And when she laid the bill on me for her services and the so-called "custom" orthotics for over $500, I thought, geez, can't I just grind through this little pain in my heel?

Well, no Brent, because those $500 shoe inserts turned out to be a $500 torture chamber.  My heels, my feet, and it seemed like lots of other body parts hurt a lot worse than before.

I actually got upset enough to ask for a refund for those things and was greeted with a little smile and a polite "I'm sorry, but your custom orthotics were made to fit only your feet so we don't offer a money back guarantee".


And Then I Said...

"So, Tell Me Mr. Sports Med Guy,

Why Aren't Your Methods For
Icing, Electrical Stimulation, Taping, Strengthening, & Breaking Up The Scar Tissue Working For Me?"

And then it was on to a sports med specialist who had me...

- place my entire foot into a bucket of ice and water
(after 5 minutes of that I decided that the large cortisone injection wasn't so bad)
Hi Brent,
Wow!  I cannot believe how quickly your methods worked Brent.

Thank you so much.  I'm now back to playing tennis full time.


Dear Brent,
I've been really frustrated with this injury for months.  I think I was almost depressed.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Brent.  Your videos made all the difference for me.

You gave me a plan and it worked!


Hello Mr. Abel,

My plantar fascia problem is now fixed thanks to your product.

Your icing technique gave me the most relief.

Thank you Mr. Abel. 


- strapped me up to the electrical stimulation machine
(now you're scaring me man)

- ran me through a series of leg strengthening exercises
(hmm, why does it not seem to make sense to do exercises that cause my plantar injury more pain?)

- taped my foot into a position that caused my hips to really hurt
(now that was lots of fun trying to teach tennis for 7 hours a day with my hips wanting to fall off)

- and rolled this bizarre looking roller over my heel area with spikes all over it saying that he was breaking up the scar tissue where my fascia connected to my heel
(uh, hello, breaking things up inside my foot?  You're kidding right, because like the ice bucket, I think I'd rather have another cortisone shot).

So, to make a long story hopefully somewhat short, I decided that the medical professionals couldn't really help me and I ended up suffering through months of agony only to one day wake up and realize that I hadn't felt any heel pain in a couple of days.

How Did I Finally Cure That First Plantar Injury?

At the time, I didn't have a clue.  (But, the answer was right there in front of me).

It was simply gone one day.  I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.  I was praying this wasn't some cruel joke being played on me.

And I was fine for another year or so until one day I knew I'd done it again after playing a national tennis tournament match.

I was devastated and ticked off that I was going to probably waste another 6 months or more putting up with the physical pain and emotional frustration.

But I got lucky.  I mean really lucky...

A few days later I happened to run into a local tennis coaching colleague who suggested I go my local pharmacy, pick up this one item, and do a specific stretching and icing routine a couple of times a day.

And He Said The Sequence Of The Routine Was The Key. 

And he told me don't mess around with it Brent, don't think you can reinvent the wheel, just do this sequence an exact way.

I did and the rest is history.  I haven't had another plantar injury in over 15 years.

I've been able to teach tennis and play my national and local tournaments pain free for years.

And I really want to help you once and for all put a permanent end to your plantar pain...

So, Here's How I Can Help You Finally Put A Permanent End To Your Painful Plantar Fasciitis Injury

So You Can Quickly Get Back To Doing Whatever Is Your Favorite Activity...

I've put together a very clear and easy to follow plantar injury treatment program that anyone can do.

You may have read some of those testimonials up above from folks probably a lot like you.

Those are non solicited email statements from people who showed up here like you, you know, in a world of hurt, looking for something to finally put an end to their heel pain, and decided to try my program.

I'm pleased to say that as of today, , I've sold over 4,100 of my treatment programs worldwide.  You can literally get started reducing your plantar pain within the next two minutes.

Can This Injury You've Got Really Be Treated?

Absolutely.  But I'll be honest with you, I don't help each and every person who buys my program.

Some folks are literally looking for the magical answer that will permanently take their plantar pain away immediately, like within a day.

Yet, I've heard back from customers who claim that they feel significant pain relief in a day, but totally over this injury in a day?  No...

This takes a little effort on your part, not much (you'll be amazed at how simple the routine is), but a small chunk of time that won't interfere with any part of your daily work or personal schedule.

But we're talking a matter of days, not weeks or months, to get rid of the pain and get you started back to your favorite activity.

I do offer a 100% lifetime customer satisfaction guarantee, and I'll be honest with you, I do have a refund request rate of approximately 2%.

I'm not sure that equates to me being able to state that I help 98% of the folks who purchase my program, but the number of folks out there who get significant help with their plantar injury from this program is high.

OK, How Does This Plantar Treatment Program Work?

My plantar injury treatment program is a 3 phase program that consists of:

  • Phase 1 - Eliminating Your Fascia Inflammation
    • Takes about 8-9 minutes a couple of times a day to go through a specific sequence of stretches.  Anyone can do these, but the sequence is vital to your success.
    • I will ask you to also go to your local pharmacy to pick you two very inexpensive items that are a must for your success, not only initially, but once you get past Phase 1, you'll need these items once you get back to doing any normal physical activity.
    • Icing - I have a very specific icing method that takes only a minute or two.  If you're sticking your entire foot on top of a bag of ice right now, or if you're icing for more than a couple of minutes, you're probably making things worse.
    • Most customers feel significant pain relief within 5 days, some even within 24 hours
  • Phase 2 - Light Strengthening
    • Once your pain free from your fascia inflammation, takes about 8-10 minutes a couple of times a day to go through a series of light stretching and specific strengthening exercises.
    • If you follow my suggestions, you should be ready to get back to your normal active lifestyle within an additional 5-10 days
  • Phase 3 - Future Plantar Injury Prevention
    • Can you find 5 minutes a day to go through a light stretching & strengthening routine?  If yes, you'll set yourself up to prevent another plantar injury.

What Do You Send Me Brent?

  • Instructional Treatment Videos - I will send you a set of videos where I demonstrate for you the exact stretches and strengthening exercises and their specific sequence, my icing method, and the 2 inexpensive items I want you to pick up at your local pharmacy.
    • Immediate Access to Videos - You can immediately download all of the instructional videos.  The videos are formatted to play on your computer and you can also transfer them to your video iPod or iPhone.
    • or DVD - I can mail the videos to you on a DVD that will play on any worldwide DVD player
    • or Data CD - I can mail the videos to you on a Data CD that will play the videos on your computer if you don't have a DVD player.
  • PDF Text Companion - You will also receive a PDF text companion that also describes the stretching and strengthening exercises and their specific sequence, my icing method, and the 2 necessary items I want you to get right away from your local pharmacy.
    • You will get immediate access to this PDF text companion and will be able to save it to your computer.
  • Optional Consultation - Yep.  This is completely optional, but if you think it might help, you'll be able to describe to me exactly how you got your plantar injury, what you've tried to do to up to this point to treat it, and I'll then give you any other specific advice that I feel can help you speed up your recovery time.
  • 8 Weeks of Follow-Up - I will follow up with you on a regular basis for at least 8 weeks after your purchase.  I want to make absolutely sure you completely understand each and every exercise and technique in each of the three phases in your treatment program.

    I also want to help you stay motivated with your day to day injury treatment.  There are probably going to be days when you feel great, and staying eager to do your treatment is no problem.

    But there is also a chance that you will face an occasional day when you're just not "into it".  I want to help you get through those days and have you wake up the next morning feeling good that you put in your treatment time the day before. 

    I have zero desire to sell you something and then have you never hear from me again.  I sincerely want to help you treat your plantar fascia injury correctly, quickly, and thoroughly.

But That's Not All, You'll Also Get
Immediate Access To These 4 Valuable BONUSES...

  • BONUS #1:  The Psychological Skills Needed for Healing Your Injury: 
    I have produced a separate report on the proven benefits of following a specific set of daily visualization and positive self-talk exercises.

    These are tangible specific mental exercises (not some out of body weird "new age" mumbo jumbo) that are proven to increase your injury healing time and to help you stay on track and motivated.

  • BONUS #2:  Injury Treatment Daily Goal Setting and Tracking Log
    Not only must you commit to a daily set of physical and mental exercises / stretches for properly treating your injury, but you also must track your commitment.

    As a BONUS, you also receive my "Injury Treatment Daily Log" where you get a detailed daily plan for each of the 3 healing / strengthening / future prevention phases where you can keep track of your progress.

    Not only is it important to know precisely what exercises / stretches you've been able to perform each day, but your daily log will also serve as a great motivational aid to "keep you going".

  • BONUS #3:  Foods, Liquids, and Tension
    I've written a report on why certain foods and liquids can make it more difficult for your body to heal. 

    Providing a "clean" healing environment for your injury can be enhanced by avoiding specific foods / drinks.

  • BONUS #4:  Brent's World Famous 3 Minute Stretch Video
    Ok, maybe not exactly world famous (!), but this simple 3 minute stretch routine has really done wonders for me over the past 10+ years. 

    Part of your plantar fasciitis injury is due from other body parts trying to compensate, and the result is not great.

    I do this stretch probably 3-5 times a day.  Not ever at a set time, just whenever I get a few extra minutes during my day.  The benefits are so much better than carving out a 30 minute stretch only once a day.

    What you'll discover with all of my treatment programs is to maintain your stretch.  You can devote time to stretch once a day, and at best you might get 30-60 minutes of really focused stretching, but for the remainder of those 23+ hours every day, your body is trying to un-stretch itself.  We need to stay stretched out...

My Unconditional Promise
to You

I have a very simple promise to make to you.

If my Plantar Fasciitis treatment program doesn't help you quickly and significantly get pain relief so you can get back to your normal lifestyle doing those activities you love most, you can ask for a full and complete refund.

Give my program an honest 15 days to let me have a chance to get you back to where you want to be, pain free and enjoying life.

Look, I'll admit that for whatever reason, approximately 2% of the folks who purchase my program ask for a refund.

I'd like to think that you can be in that HUGE 98% group who gets relief from their plantar injury.

Fair enough?

I hope you think so, because with the numerous emails I get on literally a daily basis thanking me for this program, I've been told it's more than fair.



STOP wasting your money on...

  • Custom Orthotics - $600 +
  • Doctor Visit - $300 +
  • Chiropractor Session - $200 +
  • Sports Med Session - $200 +
  • Painful (and I mean painful) Cortisone Shot - $200 +
  • Tons of Ibuprofen - $??? + - Not much up front cost, but the price your body eventually pays?
  • Other Expensive Programs - $300 +
  • And none of those methods are guaranteed

Compared to those costs that come with a zero guarantee, you can claim my fully 100% guaranteed plantar fasciitis treatment program for just...

Completely Secure Online Processing


Want to order by phone and not online? 
No problem.  1-925-246-5551

  • $47 - DVD Version

    • Your Plantar Fasciitis Treatment program DVD is placed in the US Postal mail to you within 1 business day of your order.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world.  Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

    • If you want to get started treating your plantar injury immediately, you also get immediate access to the treatment program's download page so you can download any or some of the videos, which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod, and the PDF Text Companion file, and the Personal Consultation Form.

      • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files.

  • $47 - Computer Data CD Version

    • Choose this version if you do not have a DVD player and a high speed internet connection.

    • The Data CD disc plays the treatment videos on your computer.

    • SHIPPING: There are no additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world.  Depending on your location from here in northern California, delivery times vary from a couple of days to 10 days.

  • $37 - Download (no Disc) Version

    • You get immediate access to the entire treatment program including all of the video files, the PDF Text Companion, and the Personal Consultation Form

    • You must have a high speed internet connection (Cable, DSL, etc.) to download the video files which are formatted to play on your computer and/or your video iPod.

Want to order by phone and not online? 
No problem.  1-925-246-5551

P.S.  Don't do what I did years ago and wait around and hope that your plantar injury is going to simply get better all by itself.

I got lucky.  It was just pure dumb luck that I ran into one of my tennis colleagues and he gave me the program that changed my life.

I was so ready to start accepting the fact that I was probably going to have to live with my plantar pain which meant not being able to do lots of things that I used to take for granted.

Like playing with my kids, teaching tennis pain free, playing tournaments, running and working out, walking on the beach, hiking in Yosemite, walking my two dogs, travelling and sight seeing, shopping, and on and on...

The brutal reality of not getting your plantar fasciitis injury taken care of properly can result in lots of bad stuff for your body.

Not to mention your state of mind.  Depression is a real thing for plantar sufferers...

Don't get stuck.  Claim your copy of my plantar fasciitis treatment program today and let's get you back to your normal lifestyle pain free.

As you know, I'll guarantee it!

Thanks and really looking forward to helping you,


Claim your treatment program here

Contact Email:   Support Phone: 1-925-246-5551   Skype: webtennis



S T O P ... !

Are you making any one of these
9 common Plantar Fasciitis
treatment mistakes?

I hope not, because if you are, you are needlessly extending your healing time and possibly doing permanent damage to your foot.

Get Brent's FREE video tips series that details each one of these 9 mistakes PLUS you'll also get Brent's #1 "Must Do Right Now" recommendation that will help you immediately start feeling significant pain relief.

Click here now to get your
FREE video tips series.

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