Contact Email:   Support Phone: 1-925-246-5551   Skype: webtennis

Finally Puts A Permanent End
To You
r Plantar Fasciitis Pain & Frustration...

Get Brent's Top 9 FREE Video Tips that focus on making sure you're not making any one of these 9 very common treatment mistakes that could not only extend your recovery time but could also do permanent damage to your heel...

PLUS you'll also receive Brent's #1 "Must Do This Very Minute" Recommendation To Help You Quickly Start Eliminating Your Plantar Pain Today.

Once you fill in your first name and email address in the FREE tips sign up form below, here's what I've got for you...

  • 9 video tips that average about 2-3 minutes in length where we discuss 9 very common plantar fasciitis treatment mistakes that can not only prolong the length of your recovery time, but worse, do permanent damage to your heel

  • You will get an email from me within minutes of signing up that has a link to tips 1-3 PLUS my "#1 Must Do This Very Minute" video recommendation

  • An email from me with a link to Tips 4-6 will arrive in your email InBox tomorrow.

  • An email from me with a link to Tips 7-9 will arrive in your email InBox day after tomorrow.

  • Make sure that my email address, , is safely in your email address book so your email server does not consider my email as SPAM.

  • If you cannot find my email to you within a few minutes, then check your SPAM or Bulk email folders to see if my email was automatically filed there.

  • Privacy Policy:  And of course, I dislike SPAM as much as you do.  Your contact information will never be shared, sold, rented, or otherwise made available to anyone else ever.  Period.

  • Fill in your first name and email address below now and you'll be re-directed to the main Plantar Fasciitis information page.  Then check your email in a few minutes.

  • Let's start today to eliminate your plantar fasciitis pain and get you back 100% healthy to your favorite sport, hobby, job, or just being able to live each day pain free form your plantar injury!


Contact Email:   Support Phone: 1-925-246-5551   Skype: webtennis