Who else is sick & tired of their painful

Rotator Cuff Injury...?

Proven Methods to Quickly Treat Current
and Prevent Future Injuries

Here's how you can quickly treat your painful shoulder rotator cuff injury:

  • without cortisone injections,

  • without tons of ibuprofen,

  • without steroid creams,

  • and without other expensive treatments & meds.

  • Guaranteed.

  • and let's get you back to what you love to do...

Hi, Brent Abel here, and as a tennis teaching professional for over 35 years and I've seen my share of shoulder rotator cuff injuries out there in the tennis world.  And on the golf course, and folks who fly fish, lift weights, gardening, and on and on...

And I know that shoulder injuries are not just restricted to tennis players.  Almost any sport has a risk for shoulder injuries.  Heck, general activities in our day to day lives make us susceptible to shoulder injuries.

I've seen the frustration of tennis players who so desperately want to get back out on the court to play their beloved tennis, but because of too much shoulder pain or very limited range of motion, they're just unable to do so.

Fighting Through the Pain

I've also seen players who sort of just fight through the pain, try to mask it with tons of Ibuprofen or the like, and end up doing serious damage to their shoulder.

I've never been one to suggest invasive solutions to cure injuries.  I don't know, I've always felt the body wants to heal itself.  There are certainly drastic injuries that require major surgery, but from my experience, most injuries can be cured without invasive measures.

To repair any injury without surgery, meds, injections, etc. requires not only the right information, but the correct sequence, the right formula for enabling the healing process.

The Proper Sequence is the Cure

Ice all you want, apply heat all you want, stretch all you want, strengthen all you want, whatever, but if you don't do it in the right sequence, you'll probably never get better, and worse case you may even do more damage to your shoulder.

As a tennis teaching professional, I really understand the value of fundamentals and learning those fundamentals in a specific sequence. 

Repairing injuries, and specifically shoulder injuries, requires that same philosophy.  There are true, non artificial, fundamentals to quickly start the healing process, to promote further healing through specific stretching and strengthening techniques, and eventually to get you cured and ready to go back out there and enjoy your sport and your day to day life in general.

Start Your Healing Process in the Next 3 Minutes

Brian's Schiff's eBook The Ultimate Rotator Cuff Training Guide is all about just that, getting you the correct, no nonsense, help right now so you can get back doing what you love to do, whether it's tennis, golf, whatever, just plain living, and showing you how to prevent future shoulder injuries...

I bought Brian's eBook and really picked it apart.  I read it three times just to be sure I wasn't missing anything.  I really looked for flaws. 

I couldn't find any.

Brian's approach is strictly no nonsense, my kind of information.  No fluff, straight to the point, easy to understand, and with a theme of getting you back out there quickly and pain free.

If you're sick and tired of putting up with your shoulder rotator injury, and not interested in surgery, medications, injections, and other invasive so called fixes, then relax, there is a solution.

Brian's methods work.  His methods are guaranteed.  You've got nothing to lose.

OK, let's get you started properly with the healing process for your rotator cuff injury.

First, let's get you subscribed to my FREE tips series.  There is a subscription form over to your right.

After that, we'll get you over to Brian's website for complete details on how to treat your rotator cuff injury.





 FREE Tips Series
on Rotator Cuff Injuries

Brent Interviews
Rotator Cuff Injury Expert
Brian Schiff

The top 7 tips to immediately start reducing your shoulder rotator cuff pain injury and to put you on the proper path for healing and future injury prevention...

First Name
Just enter your first name and email address above and then click the button below...

 And of course, no worries, your contact info will always remain private with me.  Period.

In association with the
Leading Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment Expert,
Brian Schiff

"Prior to working with Brian Schiff, I was diagnosed with a left rotator cuff tear and tendonitis in both shoulders

After following his rotator cuff training program  in therapy, I regained full motion, strength and use of my arms again. 

Since I work as a dental hygienist, this was critical in allowing me to work without limitation and pain. 

I respected his expertise so much that I decided to hire him for    personal training to continue strengthening and prevent a future injury.  As a fellow medical professional, I am critical of other medical professionals, but when it  comes to fitness training his methods and medical expertise are second to none!"

Donna Newman

 FREE Tips Series
on Rotator Cuff Injuries

Brent Interviews
Rotator Cuff Injury Expert
Brian Schiff

The top 7 tips to immediately start reducing your shoulder rotator cuff pain injury and to put you on the proper path for healing and future injury prevention...

First Name
Just enter your first name and email address above and then click the button below...

 And of course, no worries, your contact info will always remain private with me.  Period.