Tennis Elbow Treatment Finally Puts A Quick & Permanent End To Your Painful Tennis Elbow Injury Guaranteed Many Of My
3,100+ Worldwide Satisfied Customers Have Reported Significant Pain
Relief From Their Tennis Elbow Injury
Hi, it's Brent Abel here in northern
California, and as
tennis teaching professional for well over the past
35+ years and current top world ranked senior tournament player, I know
all to well how much pain and suffering you're probably going through
right now as you read this page. I remember that intense pain like it was yesterday. During the summer in 1999 I'd been teaching tennis every day for about 8-9 hours a day over a span of almost 10 days. The weather had been perfect, I'd had lots of requests for
lessons, and I just couldn't say no. But what I didn't know at that time was what to do to stop the pain. My initial thought was to strengthen the muscles in my forearm,
but that seemed to make it worse. After literally 3 days of being hunkered down in front of my computer and looking and finding the same generic explanations with the same elbow treatment protocols, I finally started to see the light... I talked with other tennis professionals, a couple of golf professionals, my carpenter who was during some work at the house at that time, and a few other folks who were NOT doctors. They all confirmed what I had discovered through my research. There is a specific sequence to successfully treating an elbow injury. I discovered a handful
of commonalities between the different recommendations and the
results & solutions that other folks like me with elbow injuries
were discussing. I was absolutely convinced before that strengthening was the initial key component to treating an elbow injury. Wrong...
To Get Significant Relief I've developed a simple 3 phase tennis elbow treatment program that will initially help you quickly eliminate your pain and then get you going on a light strengthening program to insure this injury doesn't come back.
3 Phase Tennis Elbow Treatment Program
Why Doesn't Your Doctor, Chiropractor, or Sports Med Pro Seem To Have A Solution For This Injury? Hey, I don't really know other than most of the doctors and medically trained professionals I've spoken to have never had to put up with elbow pain themselves. What might seem obvious from a medical manual for a pain relieving solution I don't think always translates to actual pain relief. Look, as I stated before, I'm not a doctor nor have I ever received any formal medical training whatsoever (other then CPR training), but what I have done is gone through two very elbow injuries myself and spent tons of hours researching this injury. I've taught and coached tennis for over 35 years and have played at the world class level in tournaments for my senior age group for a long long time. I literally see someone at least once a week who is suffering with an elbow injury. In the tennis world, over time I've become the guy you turn to if you've got an elbow injury. If your medical professional has never had this injury before, it's got to be pretty tough for him or her to truly understand what you and I and others have had to endure in the pain level meter. So, my recommendations are based solely on my own experiences and my discussions about the experiences of the thousands of others out there who are currently or were former elbow injury sufferers. Are There Lots Of Treatment Aids To Buy? Thankfully, no... I do however have some inexpensive treatment aid recommendations that I feel can be beneficial to quick healing, but with my 3 phase treatment program, there is absolutely nothing in addition required to purchase. How Soon Can
You Be Pain Free
& I really wish this was an
absolute exact science, but it's not. And I know how desperate a feeling it can be to not be able to do those things you probably used to take for granted. Hey, just brushing your teeth or your hair pain free would be nice, wouldn't it? I want to help you get back to whatever is your favorite activity completely pain free and armed with the right info so you'll know how to prevent another elbow injury from ever happening to you again. I honestly cannot give you a specific time frame answer as to when you'll be pain free and back out there winning the club championships (!). But, I will tell you this, many of my customers report back to me within a week, some within just a few days, that they are finally feeling tangible pain relief for the first time in a long time. I am definitely not a miracle worker, and if you're looking for the overnight quick-fix, well, I'm not your guy. I would never ever make that promise to you. But, if you can carve out 3 minutes and follow a simple treatment routine and do so several times a day, I'm willing to bet my 100% money back guarantee that I can help you self treat your painful elbow injury and get you back out there ready to rock and roll within days. If I can't, then guess what, if after 30 days you're not happy with your purchase, then just let me know and I'll refund every bit of your purchase price. Right away... I was also selected to represent the USA at the end of 2009 in the VonCramm Cup World Team Tournament in Perth Australia. Proud to say we brought home the Silver medal in the team event and I won the bronze in the individual doubles... Just How Secure Is Your
Private Contact
& Excellent question and one that gets asked frequently at lots and lots of different websites. First of all, any contact information you submit through my website or shopping cart will never be shared, rented, sold, or otherwise made available to 3rd party. Ever.
I use the folks over at to handle all of my prospects' and customers' contact information, and I use the services of to handle all of my online secure credit card and PayPal transactions.
Both of these companies are far and away the best out there online, and yet, some folks still feel a little uneasy with giving their credit card details over the internet. That's not a problem and I am happy to accept telephone and/or check orders. Bottom line is this, your contact information and credit card transactions are always 100% secure. Is This Treatment Program A
So-Called Online Scam? Hey, I've been asked that question a few times and for different reasons, but mostly because folks have been ripped off out there on the internet, and maybe not in this injury treatment area, but with other online offers. Look, you can check me out. I've got no problem with that at all. I've been a tennis teaching / coaching professional for well over 35 years at several tennis clubs in the USA. About Brent Abel. I recently won the USA national 60s Hardcourt Singles title in Palm Springs, CA in April 2009. I've got several websites, but the most popular are over at and Tennis is what I do, what I've done pretty much my entire life, and as a family man with a great wife and 3 kids, the last thing I want to do is anything that's going to ruin my reputation. If you need a personal reference or two, hey, say the word, and I'll get them to you. Speaking Of Guarantees, What Is It? Unlike your doctor, your sports med visits, and potentially lots of other associated expenses in treating your elbow injury, that's right, unlike them I do offer a 100% customer satisfaction money back guarantee. It's simple. If I can't help you, then I don't want to keep your money. If you'll give my program at least a good honest 30 day try, then at any time after that if you're ever not completely satisfied with your purchase, you're entitled to a full and prompt refund. And as I mentioned above, I don't claim to be a miracle worker. I don't help everyone who buys my program evidenced by the approximate 2% refund rate for my elbow treatment program. So look, your hard earned money is never at risk. Ever... So, Here's How I Can Help You Finally Put A Permanent End To Your Painful Elbow Injury... So You Can Quickly Get Back To Doing Whatever Is Your Favorite Activity
I've put together a very clear and easy to follow
tennis / golfer's elbow injury treatment program that anyone can do. You may have read some of those testimonials up above from folks probably a lot like you. Those are non solicited email statements from people who showed up here like you, in a world of hurt, looking for something to finally put an end to their elbow pain, and decided to try my program. I'm pleased to say that as of today, I've sold over 3,100 of my elbow treatment programs worldwide. You can literally get started reducing your elbow pain within the next few minutes. OK, How Does My Elbow Treatment Program Work For You? My elbow injury treatment program is a 3 phase program that consists of:
What Do I Send You?
Claim Your Guaranteed Treatment Program
P.S. Don't wait around and hope that your elbow injury is going to simply get better all by itself. The brutal reality of not getting your elbow injury taken care of properly can result in lots of bad stuff for your body. Not to mention your state of mind. Depression is a real thing for tennis / golfer's elbow injury sufferers... Don't get stuck. Claim your copy of my elbow treatment program today and let's get you back to your normal lifestyle pain free. As you know, I'll guarantee it! Thanks and really looking forward to helping you, Brent Claim your treatment program here Contact Email: brent(at) Support Phone: 1-925-246-5551 Skype: webtennis |