Tennis Serve
How 3 Simple "Moves"
Will Dramatically Improve Your
1st & 2nd Serve Within
Your First 50 Practice Serves!
Veteran Tennis Teaching Professional Brent
2009 U.S. National 60s
Hardcourt Singles Champion,
Shows You The Specific 3 Magic Moves That Will Give Your Serve More
Power, Spin, & Pinpoint Accuracy
Flat, Topspin, Slice, & Kick Serves
Any Tennis Player

At Any Skill Level
Willing To Put In 2
Practice Sessions
Of 25 Serves Each
Will Quickly Learn
These 3 Simple "Magic Moves"
And Can Quickly Own
A Solid & Dependable Serve!
Your Serve Can Look Like This....!
Want to know where
& when
to play your 1st & 2nd serves?
your FREE Video copy
of Brent's
Top Ten
Best Serving Strategies
worries. Your contact info will remain strictly
private with me and never shared with anyone else.
During your
very 2 practice sessions
you'll discover the 3 "Magic Moves"
of a classic fluid
service motion...
Your Serve with More Natural Power
A Tighter & Faster Spin
Superb Placement Accuracy
No More Tightening Up on a 2nd Serve
Your Doubles Partners Will Always
Ask YOU to Serve First!
GUARANTEED within your very first 50 practice
Your service dvd worked like "magic" for
My serve has really come along. I never
had any instruction that "put it all together" like that one does.
I've recommended it to people and loaned
it to them, but as you know, you can lead a horse to water, etc.
Thanks again,
Bill Hess |
Just imagine...
You step up to the baseline,
decide exactly where you want your serve to go, how much power you're going to
deliver, and know exactly how much spin you'll need to control that power and
You're confident, relaxed, and not worried
about double faulting or setting up your opponent.
No more soft 2nd serves that just sit there
and beg your opponent to take advantage.
No more give
away points to your opponents in either singles or doubles, and no more doubles
partners wishing they could be on the court with someone else.
I want to help you get there.
So, let's dispense with the pleasantries and
get right to it.
It's all about discovering how to
generate more racket speed.
I can easily show you how and
within your first 50 practice serves your serve will have:
more power
a tighter spin
placement control
specific tossing motion for toss consistency and ideal hitting setup
natural &
effortless pronation, yep, I'll take the mystery out of it for you
serve more easily in both singles and doubles
all of
this within your first 50 practice serves
"Dear Brent!
I am completely shocked because of your fantastic advice: "THE RACKET DROP
I have tried to follow your advice with relaxed hitting arm
also, especially with relaxed bending of elbow. It really works very well now. I
know that I have to make a drill now every day, but most important is that I
have a feeling now how to make a "racket set up position" and a "racket drop
Dear Brent, your advice, your very clear idea is the best gift for my birthday (
19 May).
Thank you very much indeed. Best regards!"
Emil, New York
From: Brent Abel
Is your serve lacking the kind of
power you'd like...?
Are you unsure how to to
develop more spin on your serve so you could get a higher percentage of serves
in play...?
Is this "pronation" thing just a little
Are you unable to really control the
direction of your serve...?
Is your 2nd serve just a "push" where
your opponents are getting a real advantage...?
Would you like to make your 2nd serve a
weapon where you could change pace, spin, and bounce on your 1st serve from time
to time to throw off your opponents...?
Are you wondering what are the
best serving strategies for either singles or d oubles...?
Is your serve causing any
stress and strain on your elbow or shoulder, or worse, do you have an arm injury
that you think has been caused by your current service motion...?
Do you want to make your serve a real
weapon in the "serve & volley" strategy...?
How about...
Flat 1st serves
Spin 1st serves
Topspin 2nd serves
"Kick" serves
Slice serves
In less than your first 50 practice serves... guaranteed.
Have been meaning to contact you for quite some time. I have been
quite busy at work, etc.
I purchased the Serve Instruction about two months ago.
It has REALLY helped. I am one of those (and
now I realize there are many of us), that are stuck at the "back scratch"
I am now getting that wonderful feeling of how
to get much more racket speed just prior to contact. Your method works
I would like to say though, that the way that you explain things, and the visual
material and presentation really does help."
Susan, Kansas City
Look, I know that the serve can be tricky to figure out, even if
you're a top player. We all can add more power, spin, and better
direction control with a couple of simple changes.
And hey, so many of the pros make the thing look so incredibly
simple. It's fluid, graceful, and bang..., there's some real
steam to those professional serves.
I can help you crank up your serve to new
levels with my proven tennis serve instruction methods.
I won't promise that I can get you to serve
just like Pete Sampras or Serena Williams, but I can show you what they do
that you can model, copy, and yes, learn...
Want to know where
& when
to play your 1st & 2nd serves?
your FREE Video copy
of Brent's
Top Ten
Best Serving Strategies
worries. Your contact info will remain strictly
private with me and never shared with anyone else.
What if
your serve truly had
more Power, Spin, and Control...?
You would hold serve in
both singles and doubles much more easily,
and you would then put a ton of pressure on your opponents to hold their
No matter what skill level you are...
I have an easy to discover tennis serve
instruction system for teaching the serve that
I've been using for decades, and it simply flat out works...
- you've got a service motion that
allows you to consistently direct your serve
to almost any part of your
opponent's service box...
- that not only do you have placement
control, but your motion allows you to serve to different targets
without telegraphing to your opponent where it's
- you've got some real spin on
your serve...
- that you've hit a serve that's not
just rotating out there in space, but a nice tight spin that helps solve
both of your main problems, getting the ball safely up and over the net
and then back down inside your opponent's service line...
- you've now got a serve that you can
really 'crank it up' on demand because your service motion is all about
racket speed and not strength...
- you're now able to hit a spin serve
that actually lands deep in the service and has a definite 'jump' when
it bounces, you know, the kicker...
- winning 'free' points because you're
consistently hitting that good serve right into your opponents' bodies
and forcing up weak returns to your VERY happy doubles partner...
- the phone's ringing off the hook
because everyone and their brother and sister wants you to be their
doubles partner...!
- that your serving arm actually feels
good and alive, no soreness, no stiffness, no tenderness...
- and what if I could show you how to do
this for a fraction of the cost of what a series of private or group
lessons would cost you?
Chapter 11
"The 3 Magic Moves Of The Serve"
A Simple Practice Drill for Developing Better Rhythm in Your Service
Click the > button on the
Flash player below
Why learn how to
dramatically improve
your serve from me...?
- After a 35+ years of teaching and
having won 11 USTA Category I National gold, silver, &
bronze ball titles,
I absolutely know the pure fundamentals of the serve that can be
easily discovered by you...
- I'll show you a tennis serve
instruction system that will
reduce the risk of injury
and give you a fluid and dependable serve
for your lifetime. If you want to take it
to a world class level, then go for it, because you'll have every core
fundamental you could possibly need to develop a big time serve...
- With over 35 years of teaching
experience, and luckily having spent time with the best teachers, I've
got the system down to a simple to understand and implement
- I play the way I teach. None of
this listen to me even though I've never won a match anywhere kind of
thing. I've been there, won a national title, and I can help
I stay with you.
Follow up. With my system you won't buy a manual or some
product from me and then never hear from me again. Helping you
improve is obviously about getting you the right info in a learnable
format, but equally important it's about teaching you on an ongoing
basis how and what to practice.
The bottom line is this, my system gets
results... now and on a continued basis.
things in particular with your serve instruction have
The pinkie off, or partially off the racket grip and keeping the left
arm straight - which ensures the left shoulder becomes higher than the right
shoulder in the "set to launch" position. With the toss in front and slightly to
the right - one can develop an excellent power serve with some practice, as I am
in the process of doing so now!
Good work Brent!"
Furhad, Canada |
I Promise to Make
You a Better Player...
Look, what's it cost these days to get
a one hour private lesson from a tennis professional that actually
understands this tennis serve instruction stuff and can truly help you? Probably at
least $65 an hour.

And once you leave that lesson court,
the chances are huge that'll walk away empty handed. Even if
you've received the right info, fine, but you'll literally have
nothing but your notes to refer back to when you've got questions.
For about a fraction of what you'd pay
for a one hour private, I'll give you a complete system for taking
your serve to new levels. And that system will always be there
for you, which includes unlimited email and phone support from me...
You'll dramatically improve
your serve
within your first 50 practice serves,
Here's how you're going to do it with over
90 minutes of no nonsense, straight to the point instructional video...
You get immediate access to to the PDF eBook
that contains the download links for the 17 video lessons of the
precise elements, stroke mechanics, and body positions you need to learn
to develop a solid serve.
The video lessons play directly from your computer.
If you order either the video DVD or CD version,
I'll immediately ship to you your video DVD
or CD within one business day of your order.
You'll get full time unlimited support from me by
either email or phone. I'm here to answer each and every one of your
questions. Look, I want to help you take your serve to where you
want it to be. No problem...
And of course, you'll receive my no-risk 100% money back guarantee. Simple and to the
point. I want you to know that your investment in improving your
serve is guaranteed.
Plus, you'll get these
Once you order your Serve Lesson,
you'll immediately receive these
additional serve lesson
A one of a kind step by
step video evaluation of Pete Sampras' serve. Arguably one of the
great service motions of all time, Brent takes you through each element
of Pete's serve and shows you exactly what to copy and model.
video instruction download link included:

The Mental Skills Needed to Maximize Your Tennis Serve:
Included in this lesson is an on-court video lesson I did with Jeff
Greenwald, one of the world's top sports psychology consultants, and the
world's #1 ranked player in Men's 35 singles in 2003.
This video lesson is a vital ingredient to your success in truly taking
your serve to a new level.
My 18 page PDF eBook
titled "How to Develop True Confidence in Your Tennis Game".
I'll refer you to the section of how to maximize your play in
competitive matches with my between points four part routine. This
routine will put your mind in a place where you'll be able to maximize
your ability to play points naturally and instinctively, without fear...
A series of follow-up emails with links to
additional video tips, one per
week, with reminders, tips, and more practice ideas and drills.
OK, let's do this.
Let's take your serve to a new level
in your first 50 practice serves.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee:
I will personally guarantee I can help you can make this happen for your serve or
I'll send you back 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked.
Pick which option of the serve lesson
you prefer,
(all versions contain the same
instructional videos)
and let's get your serve to be a true asset to
your game
in the next 2 minutes....!
If you have a dial-up modem,
you will not be able to download the videos. You should choose either
Version 1 or 2.
of U.S. Shipping: There are NO additional shipping charges for the CD or DVD versions to anywhere in the world.
No additional shipping fees to anywhere in the world. CD & DVD versions are placed into the US Postal mail within the next
business day of your order.
Your Serve Lesson Below
Option #1:
DVD & Immediate Online Access - $37
Immediate download access to the videos
and other instructional material and a DVD is
shipped to you that plays in all DVD players.
There are no additional shipping fees to
anywhere in the world.
Claim Your Copy Now with Credit Card or PayPal
Option #2:
Online Only (No DVD) - $27
Immediate download access to
the videos and other instructional material.
Claim Your Copy Now with Credit Card or PayPal
100% Tennis Player Satisfaction GUARANTEE
If I can't help you dramatically improve both
your 1st and 2nd serves in the next 30 days to your complete satisfaction, then
just let me know, and I'll promptly refund 100% of your purchase price. |
Remember, your serve can only get better with my offer to improve your serve in
your first 50 practice serves. Your purchase in dramatically improving
your serve within your first 50 practice serves is 100% guaranteed.
Let's get started in the next 2 minutes.
Let me know if you have any questions at
Thanks... Brent

Brent Abel of Moraga, California: 2009 USTA National 60s Hardcourt
Singles Champion &
2009 USA Team Member - VonCramm Cup Silver Medal - Perth, Australia
Contact Email:
Support Phone: 1-925-246-5551 Skype: webtennis |