The Tom Stow Tennis
Teaching System
If you've spent any time
around me or, you've probably heard me mention
the name Tom Stow.
Tom taught me how to play
the game, but more importantly, Tom taught me how to teach
the game.
The electronic reproduction
of Tom Stow's book "The Tom Stow Tennis Teaching System and
Stroke Developer" which was written in 1948 has been
completed. (Talk about a labor of love...whew!)
This book absolutely has it
all if you're serious about learning to be a complete
all-court player.
If you don't know about Tom
Stow, you really should. Tom helped some of the game's
great, and I mean great, players.
Don Budge (1938 Grand Slam
winner) isn't a bad place to start.
Before his passing in the early 80s, Tom was still coaching
and helping many of us here in northern California. I got
very lucky to be included with a group consisting of Steve
Stefanki, Doug King, and John Hubbell back in 1979.
I pleaded with Tom to let me in with those guys, and I guess
he eventually took pity on me and said OK. Anyone who knew
my playing abilities back then knew I couldn't break an egg.
I was pathetic to say the least...!
Tom was fortunately not
easy on me and didn't let me get away with some of my
whinings! He passed away just prior to when I won the 1984
National 35s Hardcourt Doubles championship.
I still wish I could have
thanked him for the gift he gave me.
Tom was a tough customer and knew exactly what he wanted you
to do with your strokes and style of play. If you stuck with
this guy, the chances were very good that you'd be given
literally a "game for a lifetime".
Sooooooooo..., an electronic book? Well, actually the book
is in the PDF format.
Yep, instantly downloaded directly to your computer whether
you're a PC or Mac user.
You can print it out or
just read it directly from your computer.
In addition to reproducing
Tom's text as originally written, I've been able to
successfully scan some of the photos and diagrams.
However, due to the poor
scan quality of most of the instructional photos, I've
substituted those with current pics of yours truly...!
Also, originally I thought
I would include some of my own video clips, but the file
size of the eBook just kept growing and growing to a size
that was tough to download.
However, it's on my To Do
list to get it videoed into a DVD.
The court dimensions
haven't changed, and yeah, the racket technology has, but
the basics of challenging your opponents with specific court
positioning and associated stroke mechanics are still very
much the same.
your copy now of the Tom Stow Teaching System.
