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WebTennis.net by Brent Abel October 6, 2004 |
WebTennis.net Home Page * Brent's Instructional Products * eBay Tennis Equipment * Past Newsletters | ||||||
- On a Personal Note: The latest from the home front... Not much news to report from here this week. Getting ready for a rather large college football game this Saturday... #1 USC against my one and only #7 Cal Bears. First time Cal has sold out the LA Coliseum since around 1952. That's right, Cal football is headed in the right direction. Y E S ... ! Roll on You Bears... |
- Tip of the Day: "Compression, receiving the ball, not fighting the ball, the Conk, they're all the same..." - Complimentary Download: My NEW PDF eBook, "How to Develop True Confidence in Your Tennis Game"... - New Instructional Product from Brent: Brent's Premium Membership. "I want to be YOUR online tennis professional..." - eBay: Tennis equipment at incredible prices. Easy to do, fast, secure, the real deal... |
- Tip of the Day:
"Compression, receiving the ball, not fighting the ball, the Conk...
they're all the same and it's what makes tennis feel sooooooo good..." Your perception of how your racket should make contact with a tennis ball is something you should consider. And this is important, so I want you to sit up straight and pay attention...! I'm serious. This concept can completely change your perception of what you should be doing at contact with any shot. I was planning on doing some forehand work for this week's Tip of the Day, but one of my new Premium Members, Bill Y. from New Jersey, wrote me an email yesterday, and the question was so compelling that I decided that my reply back to Bill is something that I wanted to share with you... And I'll share with you his email to me and my reply. I really hope this makes you think. I mean, really makes you think, not only for right now, but for days to come. Makes you think to where you've got to go out and tinker and see what this might be all about... Here goes... ------------------------ "Hi Brent, One thing I noticed while watching your video clips, was how effortless your strokes are. It almost seems as if the ball is cooperating with you. You 'receive' the ball and then just seem to send it off on its way in the most economical of ways. I know this must be related to the 'conk' that your mentor Tom Stow talked about. To me, this idea (receiving the ball, the conk) is the 'Holy Grail' of tennis. Players who can learn to play like
this could probably play high level tennis well into their 60's and 70's,
I would imagine! My reply to Bill... Hi Bill and wonderful to hear your
comments about the Premium Membership. I really appreciate your kind
words... Non professional players just don't
generate enough racket speed on a consistent basis to get in and out of
contact to counter balance a 'closed' racket face. Slower swing speeds
through contact with a closed racket face is a recipe for disaster. Sorry,
let me get back to the point...(!) In the beginning it's a sense of feel and
sound. Can you feel a slightly longer contact with the ball by consciously
allowing the ball to stay on the racket a little longer. Can you hear
it...? ------------------------ And that's maybe the answer to why we really love this game so much. How do we get to replicate that wonderful feeling of when the ball makes contact with our racket in that indescribably wonderful way that feels effortless...? The answer my friend is to let it happen. Freedom in your swing, especially as you pass through the ball or better yet, 'receive' the ball, is directly related to you not worrying about the outcome or the consequences of what might happen... The tennis court is long enough. Yes, 78 feet will do just fine... Go out there and think about the physics of how you could allow the ball to dwell longer at contact, how you could let the ball have some more time compressing into your string bed as you swing freely out towards your target. It's, as Bill Y says, the Holy Grail of why we're doing what we do on a tennis court. Don't mess with this one...! |
Brent's WebTennis.net Premium Membership... Look, this is real simple. I want to be your online tennis professional. I want to help you improve your tennis... Yep, bottom line is this... I want you to try this. 30 days at zero cost and I'll even give you one of my $39 lesson packages of your choice as a free gift just to try out the Premium Membership... And at the end of 30 days if you feel that the Premium Membership is not for you, then no problem, keep the lesson package as my way of saying thanks for at least giving it a good "look see"... Check out your benefits of being a Premium Member...
30 Day FREE "Look See" Trial
Period and OK, here's what my Premium Members get...
Sign up and get your Premium Membership NOW...! 30 day free trial
period AND
- Complimentary Download: My NEW PDF eBook, "How to Develop True Confidence in Your Tennis
Game"... Here's the link to your
complimentary copy of my
NEW eBook "How to Develop True Confidence in Your Tennis Game"... I am VERY interested in your opinion of this eBook. Any feedback, you love it, you hate it, anything would be greatly appreciated... Thanks. brent@webtennis.net...
- Next Week's Tip: Shall we try to finally get the forehand groundstroke going next week...?...! | ||||||
NEW Instructional Product from Brent:
The Backhand Slice Lesson
Package (CD and Webpage access)
Special Introductory Price I'm unveiling a new instructional lesson package on the slice backhand groundstroke this week. Private webpage and video CD with bonuses. The WebTennis.net Premium Members had a sneak preview last week and the feedback was very good. One of them, Dennis Vorman ordered one of the first copies and was kind enough to send me this email (thanks again Dennis...!)...
Here's what this instructional
lesson package
Like my other lesson packages, this instructional product is $39. So, if you want to get your slice backhand organized and ready for battle, then here's your answer to happiness! Jump on this good price now. The first 20 get it for $29.95... And don't forget, I do offer a lifetime player satisfaction with this lesson... So, to recap, the complete Backhand Slice lesson package includes immediate access the online webpage portion of the lesson, the CD, the follow-up emails, and the $10 coupon, video, & audio bonuses, shipping, unlimited support, and a full satisfaction guarantee... Last week 20 packages were available at 36% off at $24.95 (normal is $39). But those are now gone. BUT, see below for another good price on this package...! Secure payment with your Credit Card or PayPal Remember - 100% satisfaction guarantee & lifetime unlimited free support Buy The SPECIAL Backhand Slice Lesson Package Now Last week's introductory price was $24.95 for the first 20 who took advantage. I'm more than glad to still offer a nice discount (normally $39) at $29.95 for the first 20... SPECIAL -
only 20 packages available
at $29.95...! |
- Related
Jim McLennan's "The Secrets of World Class Footwork" Videotape and Training Manual Learn the secrets of how to develop the "drop step", a footwork pattern that all top players instinctively use on many shots. Not only that, Jim's well organized videotape and companion manual will teach you... - how you can move quicker and on better balance which will also improve your visual contact with the ball
- how you can arrive at your hitting
position earlier (consistently better spacing to the incoming ball,
- how you can recover back to the "middle" of the court sooner (challenge your opponent with you being in better court positions shot after shot) - how and when you will use the "jab step" or the "drop step"... - what is and how you can perfect the "split step"... - what is the concept of "Gravity Motion" and how does it apply to your improvement as a player...!
$33.95 includes shipping to |
- eBay: If you're looking
for quote unquote "good deals" on tennis equipment, I mean all the hottest
tennis stuff going, new, then you must check out what's happening at eBay. I am at times shocked at the incredible deals on tennis equipment that are at eBay day in and day out. Heck, I now do most of my office supplies shopping there at eBay and I know I'll start doing more and more shopping there in the near future... eBay is a secure and safe shopping experience. If you've never been to eBay or bought anything there, no worries, every seller and buyer at eBay carries around their personal "Feedback" rating and comments. The eBay "Feedback" is genius. When you buy and/or sell something at eBay, the other party gives you "Feedback" as to how you performed your end of the deal. As a seller, did you deliver the product on time, was the exact product delivered to the buyer that was advertised, were there any problems with returns, etc., and as the buyer, did you pay in a reasonable amount of time. And your Feedback" comments are available for the entire world to read, so if someone is out there ripping people off, then the ripper's eBay Feedback will doom them forever...! Bottom line, it works... So, if you're in the market for new tennis equipment, you must get with the program over at eBay. Absolutely stunning prices... New brand name equipment available through either winning an auction or their "Buy It Now" feature where you don't have to wait around to try win an auction. Many of the "Buy It Now" equipment prices are slightly above wholesale. It's nuts, but the prices are real and you can save significant dollars by shopping for your tennis needs at eBay. I've set up a webpage where you can quickly see the current auction and Buy It Now listings for your favorite categories...
Use this link to check out the up to the minute availability at eBay for your favorite tennis equipment. Click here |
- Contact and Feedback OK, here's how to find me. Email:
brent@webtennis.net And please let me know what you thought of this newsletter, obviously the content, but also the format, and if there's anything you'd like me to address in a future newsletter issue. Until then, as always, keep moving forward and see you at the net...! |