The Backhand Groundstroke Topspin Drive
This is a detailed lesson by Brent on the fundamentals of the backhand
groundstroke drive that is hit with pure topspin, not artificial
- Immediate access to the online
lesson portion of the serve (text, photos, video clips, audio clips)
- 1 CD which will be
immediately shipped to you.
- Six individual videos that focus on the 6
fundamentals of the stroke...
Ready Position
Turn to the Set
Pre-Contact Swing Shape
Learn the
inner workings of each of the stroke elements and then how to synch them
into a fluid and effortless topspin backhand.
- A video on how to play this shot “on the
Learn how to not back up when your opponent
hits a deep ball to your backhand. Maintain good court position, “borrow” pace from your
opponent’s shot, and impart real topspin that gives you control…
6 additional video
clips showing the backhand groundstroke in real time from different
See the different fundamentals of this
stroke from the side and the rear. You’ll get a much better understanding
of what’s happening with the stroke and how to make it work for you.
audio clip
“reminders” that will play from your either your computer or car CD
Great for listening to as you drive to
practice, a lesson, a match, whatever…
- You get instant
access to all of the above which is located on this product’s webpage.
- 100% player
satisfaction money back guarantee.
- Unlimited email and
telephone support by Brent
Choose the
version you want
If you have a dial-up modem, you will not be able to download the videos.
You should choose Version 2.
of U.S. Shipping: There are NO additional shipping charges
for the Computer CD version to anywhere in the world.
The Computer CD version is shipped to you via the US Postal Service within the next
business day of your order.
Version #1: Online Only (No Computer CD ) - $27
Requires a high speed internet
connection (DSL, Cable, or faster)
Claim Your Copy Now with Credit Card or PayPal
Version #2: Computer CD & Immediate Online
Access - $37
Download access and a data CD that plays in your
computer's CD drive
Claim Your Copy Now with Credit Card or PayPal

Two Handed Backhand Groundstroke
A Detailed Analysis of Andre Agassi and
Marat Safin
How you can easily copy and model these
simple but powerful backhands
Nothing but pure fundamentals...!
These two great players are incredible models for us to learn the
two-handed backhand.
You'll easily and quickly learn:
The Ready Position
The Grips for both hands
The Turn with the shoulders
The racket's "Set" Position
The Swing Shape prior to contact
The Contact Point
The Extension through contact
The Finish Position
This lesson consists of two videos produced
by Brent that detail Andre's backhand and then a side by side comparison
of Andre's and Marat's two-handed backhands.
This instructional product comes in two
Either way, upon successful processing of
your credit card or PayPal payment, you'll immediately be redirected to
the URL to access the download / webpage for the videos and BONUS
Yes, BONUSES...!
- Specific Match Warm-Up
Three additional audio files that will play in your car, a great tool
for getting you ready for a match, where I
take you through the specific routine of how to warm up for a match.
Minute by minute, what you should do when you first walk out on the
court, and what you should do specifically each minute to enable
yourself to play to the best of your abilities on that
particular day...
- Audio lesson by me of what to be
thinking and focusing on during each of your strokes
- Audio interview with Pat Blaskower,
author of "The Art of Doubles", on what her players' specific routine is
during their 5-10 minute warm-up.
- Audio interview with tennis
professional Alan Margot, highly successful league team coach, on a
specific routine and how to have some fun with it...!
And as with all of my lesson
products, you'll receive a 100% money back lifetime satisfaction
PLUS, unlimited email and 1 hour of
telephone support for free (a $100 value).
That's $178 in BONUS values...!
$39 download & CD includes shipping to U.S. or Canada ONLY
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
-- OR --
- $29 for the download only
(Requires high speed internet
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
Slice Forehand & Backhand Groundstrokes
How to take the mystery out of these
vital strokes and how you can develop a very dependable underspin slice
forehand & backhand.
This is a detailed lesson with
a series of video clips, explaining what are the exact fundamentals
and when they must happen.
These shots has often been a real mystery
for many players to learn. We're going to break it down step by
step and then take you through a simple practice plan.
These shots will eventually become so
comfortable that you'll now truly be versatile from both your forehand
& backhand
And that versatility means you'll not
only be able to offensively change the pace and the bounce, but you'll
also be able to defend much more effectively on balls hit out wide to
your forehand & backhand.
You must have these shots in your stroke
This lesson package consists of a
webpage and a CD.
BONUSES...! - Order this lesson
package today and I'll include the following BONUSES...!:
- Specific Match Warm-Up
Three additional audio files that will play in your car, a great tool
for getting you ready for a match, where I
take you through the specific routine of how to warm up for a match.
Minute by minute, what you should do when you first walk out on the
court, and what you should do specifically each minute to enable
yourself to play to the best of your abilities on that
particular day...
- Audio lesson by me of what to be
thinking and focusing on during each of your strokes
- Audio interview with Pat Blaskower,
author of "The Art of Doubles", on what her players' specific routine is
during their 5-10 minute warm-up.
- Audio interview with tennis
professional Alan Margot, highly successful league team coach, on a
specific routine and how to have some fun with it...!
- $27 Download Only version (requires a
high speed internet connection, DSL, cable, or faster)
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
- $37 CD version includes shipping
& download access
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
Fundamentals of the Overhead
This is a comprehensive detailed lesson on the pure fundamentals of how
you can hit your overhead with...
more power,
better placement,
perfect set-up footwork,
and how to reclaim your good net position.
You'll learn ways to turn this shot into a real problem for your opponents
by you gaining...
better anticipation of their lob,
communication with your partner in doubles,
and most importantly, how to take the pressure off of you by re-thinking
what the real purpose is of your overhead...
This lesson includes:
- Immediate access to the online
lesson portion of the overhead (text, photos, video clips, audio clips)
upon successful completion of your payment by either credit card or PayPal.
- I'll immediately ship you the
instructional CD that includes the video lesson and a set of audio
reminders that will play in either your computer's CD drive or a car CD
- PLUS, unlimited email and telephone
support! Yep, I'm available to help you. Just let me know.
- And with all of my instructional
products, you get my 100% fully refundable lifetime player satisfaction
$39 includes shipping
Claim your copy now with with Credit Card or PayPal
Doubles Strategies Instructional Product
- Online and CD...!
"Your Top Ten Biggest
Challenges in Doubles"
by Brent Abel and Pat Blaskower
After reading the latest issue
of Tennis magazine, maybe it should be the top eleven challenges
which would include one about having to deal with all of the mis-information
you have to put up with out there...! (OK, I'm calming down, hang in
there with me...!)
Doubles coaching guru Pat
Blaskower and I have partnered up to give you the answers to ten of your
most often asked questions about how to deal with specific situations in
has authored what I believe is the best hard cover book on doubles, "The
Art of Doubles". Pat's book is truly my one and only resource for
coaching doubles. Here's where to pick up a copy of Pat's book, "The
Art of Doubles". Amazon has it
for just $11.99. It's the deal of the century...
Just click on the book photo to the left...
Pat and I took your ten most asked
questions and discussed exactly how to solve those problems.
This instructional product
is a one hour discussion segmented into 11 parts (intro and the answers to
the ten questions).
Where exactly do I
serve and what's likely to happen with the return of serve?
How you set up your partner with the correct placement of your
serve as opposed to power.
How do I get rid of
this irrational fear of messing up if I poach?
How you can overcome the fear of missing put-away opportunities
and why losing points when you poach can turn into your team's advantage
for future points.
Where do I return serve
and why?
What are your targets for the return of serve and why
establishing those potential placements early in the match will open up
big opportunities for you later in the match.
As the receiver's
partner, what's my role and exact court positioning?
What exactly is your role here and how you can control the point
from this position on the court.
I'm freaked out about
the "transition" from baseline to the net.
How can I improve on that?
How you can overcome the worry of playing shots within "no man's
land" as you move forward to join your partner up at net.
How do I deal with lob
queens and kings?
How to hit shots that force your opponents into not lobbing or
trying very difficult lobs.
When and where should I
How you can turn a simple lob into a major weapon, not as a lob
queen or king, but an immediate offensive opportunity for you and your
How do I deal with
those crazy "net rushers"?
How you can neutralize those players that are barreling up to
net. What are the right shots you should play to put them in a
defensive position.
Where do I hit my
How you can have a simple formula that will decide exactly where
every shot should be played. How you can better understand the
geometry of the court for your shot placements.
How do my partner and I
"get on the same page"?
How to positively involve your partner with your shot placements
and why this is the answer to a long and successful life as a doubles
Here's what you get...
- Immediate access to the
one hour online presentation of this lesson. You can listen to each of the
ten answers directly from the webpage.
- Each answer is a
discussion between me and Pat which gives you our combined teaching and
playing wisdom of nearly 100 years (yikes...!).
- Each answer is a MP3 file
that you can also download to your computer where you can listen
"off-line" and/or burn your own CD.
- The lesson CD will be immediately shipped to you.
- PLUS, unlimited email and telephone
support from Brent! Yep, I'm available to help you. Just let
me know.
- And with all of my instructional
products, you get my 100% fully refundable lifetime player satisfaction
$39 includes shipping
Claim your copy now
with Credit Card or PayPal
Forehand & Backhand Volleys
This is a detailed lesson
featuring the precise stroke mechanic fundamentals and footwork
patterns to execute
dependable underspin forehand and backhand volleys.
Low, normal, and
high volleys.

You'll learn how the success of these
shots is determined by an attitude of wanting to prepare for the next
court position and NOT by pure stroke mechanics.
Yep, we're once again getting back to
why superior court positioning poses much more of a challenge to your
opponent than how well you actually hit the shot...
There are a few simple but crucial
stroke mechanics that allow you to play these shots more with your feet
and less with your arms.
The swing is compact and easy to
execute. I can show you how to master both of these shots for
use in both singles and doubles...
BONUS...! - Order
this lesson today and I'll include the following BONUS...!:
detailed video analysis by Brent of Stefan Edberg's forehand
You will not
believe how unbelievably clean this guy's forehand volley
This is
something you can copy and model and I'm going to show you
what are the few precise and simple "Magic Moves" that will
have your volleys dependable and you will create real
problems for your opponents, in both singles and doubles...!
Price includes shipping and there are no additional shipping
fees to anywhere in the world.
100% tennis player product satisfaction.
- $27 Download Only version
(Not suitable for dial-up modems. Requires a
high speed internet connection, DSL, cable, or faster)
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
- $37 Computer CD version includes shipping
& immediate download access
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
The Return of Serve

Just imagine...
You've been working the
match to this point all afternoon. It's now match
point for you as your opponent serves at 30-40.
You've been close in
other matches before with this player, but your return of
serve has not handled the big 1st serve or the spin 2nd
serve well enough to really challenge.
But that's past
The toss goes up, the
big 1st serve is crushed to your backhand side, you calmly
and quickly turn your shoulders to react, and then simply
"wait" for that big serve to come into your strike zone.
And in a nano-second
your return of serve is nailed back cross court past your
You humbly trot up to
net, shake hands, and start to feel a little sorry for your
opponent as they stand there muttering, "What was that..."?
You can make this
This is a 2 video lesson
that pinpoints the precise mechanics needed to consistently
return 1st and 2nd serves for both singles and doubles.
This is one of the lessons
in the "3 Magic Moves" series and you'll come away with a
complete understanding of the 3 simple to learn mechanics
that can take your return of serve skills to a new level.
Good doubles players are
known for their ability to consistently return serve in a
way that enables their net partner to have an opportunity to
poach, fake poach, etc. and control the point because of
your consistently good returns of serve.
Price includes shipping and there are no additional shipping
fees to anywhere in the world.
100% tennis player product satisfaction.
- $27 Download Only version
(Not suitable for dial-up modems. Requires a
high speed internet connection, DSL, cable, or faster)
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
- $37 Computer CD version includes shipping
& immediate download access
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
- $37 DVD version includes shipping
& immediate download access
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
The Forehand & Backhand
1/2 Volleys
Can you picture this...?
It's finally match point
as you step up to ser ve
at 40-15.
You know you've got two
chances here to win the match, but your opponent has been
wreaking havoc with their return of serve from the ad court,
so your time to close out this match is now...
You decide to spin your
first serve into their body as you play
serve a volley and come out of your service motion moving
quickly in towards the net.
But your opponent has
anticipated your serve, has moved to their left, and just
unloads on a big time nasty return straight down at your
But this time it's not a
problem as you calmly come out of your split step, place
your racket face to receive their return as a half volley,
and then simply allow their big return to get comfortably
into your strike zone.
You don't force it, you
just let your feet play through the 1/2 volley and bang,
your 1/2 volley is rifling past your stunned opponent.
You're already up at net
as your opponent trots up there to shake hands and says,
"When and how did you learn that 1/2 volley. I want
This can happen for you...
This is a detailed 14 video
lesson that takes you through each and every fundamental of
the 1/2 volley so you're very clear as to how to execute
this shot with supreme confidence.
Both forehand and backhand
1/2 volleys.
The 1/2 volley is
absolutely necessary if you ever want to venture up to net
in singles and imperative for doubles.
Staying on balance when you
transition to net will determine your success with your
transitional shot and your next volley or overhead.
If you know how to handle
1/2 volleys with confidence, your singles and doubles will
improve immensely.
Price includes shipping and there are no additional shipping
fees to anywhere in the world.
100% tennis player product satisfaction.
- $27 Download Only version
(Not suitable for dial-up modems. Requires a
high speed internet connection, DSL, cable, or faster)
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
- $37 Computer CD version includes shipping
& immediate download access
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
- $37 DVD version includes shipping
& immediate download access
Claim your copy now with Credit Card or PayPal
Jeff Greenwald's
2 CD Audio Set
"Fearless Tennis"

Learn how to maximize your
mental skills for practice and competition
My pal and outstanding player Jeff
Greenwald has come out with an amazing tennis audio CD, "Fearless
Tennis". Jeff is the current #1 ranked player in the 35s age
group, and get this, not just in the U.S., but in the world! He's a
professional tennis player and sports psychology consultant.
Jeff's CD is incredibly well organized so that a lame brain like me
could easily follow his material, not get bored, and get inspired to
try out his techniques and suggestions for my own game.
This isn't some "New Age" mumbo jumbo junk where you nod off and wake
up in the middle of the night with the TV test pattern smiling back at
you. Jeff works the material smoothly, with passion, and presents it
from his personal experiences as a player and as sports psychology
$28.95 includes shipping to
Continental U.S.
Claim yours now
with Credit Card or PayPal
"Kings of the Court"

Learn more about the pure
fundamentals of the strokes from some of the game's all-time greats.
See incredible video
footage of "all-court" tennis strokes demonstrated by ten of the game's
all-time best players
'must' for any tennis player's library
If you want to treat yourself to
watching some of the greatest "all-court" strokes performed by ten of
the greatest players of all time, well, here it is...!
The Ten Greatest Tennis Players of All Time
by Tennis Classics Production Company, 1997
Picking out the ten greatest tennis players of all time is an
argument that no one's going to win! Bill Tilden, Ellsworth Vines, Fred
Perry, Don Budge, Bobby Riggs, Jack Kramer, Pancho Gonzales, Frank Sedgman, Lew
Hoad, and Rod Laver could all certainly be argued as somewhere in the top ten
As a player, I learned so much from this tape about my strokes
and the areas I need to keep working on.
As a tennis teaching
professional, I can see from this video why teaching the classic strokes of
tennis is the ONLY way amateurs should be taught to play!
$37.95 includes shipping to
Continental U.S.
Claim yours now
with Credit Card or PayPal
Jim McLennan's
"The Secrets of World Class Footwork"
Videotape and Training Manual

Learn the secrets of how to develop the "drop step", a footwork pattern
that all top players instinctively use on many shots.
Not only that, Jim's well
organized videotape and
companion manual will teach you...
- how you can move quicker and on better
balance which will also improve your visual contact with the ball
- how you can arrive at your hitting position
earlier (consistently better spacing to the incoming ball, thus better
shot making)
- how you can recover back to the "middle"
of the court sooner (challenge your opponent with you being in better court positions
shot after shot)
- how and when
you will use the "jab step" or the "drop step"...
- what is and how you can perfect the "split
- what is the concept of
"Gravity Motion" and how does it apply to your improvement as
a player...!
$33.95 includes shipping to
Continental U.S.
Claim yours now
with Credit Card or PayPal